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Old 02-26-2011, 10:15 PM   #20
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Alberta
Posts: 165
Re: The price is right.

There are companies that transport vehicles from the US to Canada, take care of all the paper work and everything but I just didn't really want to go that way in the end. I prefer to see the truck in person too, hear it run. It all comes down to me being reeeeeeeaaallly picky :P To transport a truck into Canada you need a fair bit of documents, sent to a customs office that it will be passing through 3 days prior to arrival, all sorts of stuff.
The goal is to find something that is as rust free as I can over here, and being rust free it does bring the price up. With what I want to end up doing I need to start to get a feel for body work though, so I shouldn't be so picky and grab a pair instead of being afraid of body work. I'll actually be looking for a beater truck for next winter, the ol' honda had some clearance issues this year, and the clutch is about to blow up :s The truck I am looking for now is going to be a summer toy
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