Ive been lurking on here for a while and finally decided to sign up and start posting some pics.. i bought this truck bout 4 months ago and havent taken too many progress pics.. but hopefully since i got a forum to post some pics on ill do a better job of getting pics along the way.
this is my first build so be easy on me... i used to be into hondas but i got tired of dumping tons of money in something then it still not being worth **** when i got done..
i didnt get any pics when i very first got the truck but u guys know what these things look like stock
here it is after pulling out the springs and wipeing it down with some old motor oil

here it is with my dog posted up

bout to get started on the rear air ride

i got lazy for a while and didnt get any pics trough the progress so it skips a lil bit
rear almost done... still gotta build a panhard bar and mount the shocks
then pull apart and paint
the truck is jacked up in the front so it makes the frame look weird in these pics
anyway still havent decided if im gonna make my own crossmember for the rear or just buy the porterbuilt
also do u guys think i need to box in my trailing arms now since the weight is gonna be in the middle of them?

smc 1/2 valves.. just front to back for now. 2 viair 480c compressors and 5 gallon tank

now i got it jacked up and started pulling out the front suspension.. gonna pull teh motor and front clip pretty soon.. im getting a 454 tomorow and i already have a th350..
o ya i got a chrome bumper to

got alot of work to do under here
so thats where im at right now.. let me know what u think