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Old 02-27-2011, 07:20 PM   #1
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Location: space station delta farce (justin tx)
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a act of random kindness

a older guy(not that old mid 50's) came to the shop(my work) and i noticed he was out there taking pictures of my old ugly truck. so I went out there to talk to him (like any proud parent ) because it takes a special kind of person to like my old truck. we started talking and turns out he moved down here to Texas from Canada. He just hapend to have a louver press and asked if i would like my hood louvered, i told him yes but i would have to save my money to get them. He said no you don't under stand i want to louver your hood for free ,just park your truck out in front of the shop like it is and let people know who did the work on your hood.
that was one of the coolest things i have had happen to me.
so i am trying to spread the word if any one would like to have there hood louvered and you live near Fort worth Texas this is his info (he is out of town a lot)
Will Wilson phone is 724-420-1636
email is
I don't know how much he charges.

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they came out strate and even.
Between saying and doing many a pair of shoes are worn out
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