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Old 02-28-2011, 11:54 PM   #1
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Posts: 32
Is a 71 c-10 and c-10 rearend 5 bolt

I'm going to pick a truck up this week guy couldnt remeber if it was 5 or 6 bolt and was not sure if it was a c-10 or a c-20. But it does have a posi 12 bolt with 4:11 gears and it coiled not leafed. Just what I'm looking for to put in my 70 swb stepper but I wanting 5 bolt so It will match the front that has ben changed to disc with 5 bolt already. Getting a sweet deal on the truck I'm buying thow runs and drive has a 327 with double hump 202 heads posi rearend with 4:11 for 500 bucks can't go wrong.
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