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Old 03-01-2011, 02:00 PM   #1
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Cab corners? Not what you think

Si i know rusty cab corners is common. but mine dont nessecarily need to be replaced. .. no holes just moderate corossion... How the hel to i get the rust out so i can recoat them with something?. I was actually surprised there was no rust through. i pulled about 2 cups of crap outa both corners... washed out the dirt and now i wanna get the rust out . i did poke around to check for holes.... My other question is .. what is up with this design flaw. i mean . has anybody atempted to eliminate the pockets in the cab corners. i was thinkin bout covering up the crivice an a decent angle to where it would redirect any moisure. . throw some seam sealer around the seamd and cut out the bottom of the corner in cae any moisture got rtrapped.. For that matter . why dont they make rockers with a cutout so we can wash away all the crap that accumulates down there. i mean sure youd get crap in there but you could wash it out once a year ..... just a question gents
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