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Old 03-02-2011, 01:04 AM   #1
the pollock
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ok a few months ago i asked.. i took several recipies tried them out.. but for each one somethign was missing for my pallet.. so i combined a few!
and voiola! BE WARNED if you follow this it is a very flavorful and long burning.. so the weak to spice crowd.. well.. leave the habeneros out.

FIRST NOTE: if it's too hot dont use habeneros.
note2: all is season specifically to your taste.. measurements are a good starting point.
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i usually make it all 10 cups at a time..and i season to taste. but this is my typical starting point which makes a little less then a gallon when it's all said and done.
you will needApple cider vinegar
apple cider vinegar ( or if you want it sweeter use red wine vinegar)
Garlic ( i use the minced)
chili powder
black pepper
lemon juice
liquid smoke
dry mustard powder
habenero or serrano peppers
red pepper (you can use crushed red pepper it's a little more potent)
Fresh ginger

how to make
in a big ass pot put your liwuid ingredients and powders in, food process the garlic, peppers and ginger i save the apple cider for last sp i can puree the veggies with it in the processor. and rinse it etc.. so nothings wasted.
1 cup ketchup
1/3 cup molasses
1/4 apple cider vinegar
garlic to taste (i use a heaping spoon full)
1 table spoon chili powder
1 table spoon black pepper
1 teaspoon of lemon juice
1 teaspoon Worcestershire
1 teaspoon liquid smoke
1 teaspoon dry mustard
1/2 habenero (per cup)
1/4 fresh ginger root.
Bring all to a low simmer or less, just get it nice and freaking hot but not a rollng boil it will burn the crap outta it.. but you have to heat it or it tastes grainy like it's full of dust .
if it's too thick i reduce with beer, usually bud light or coors.. just dont do a dark beer.. it tastes weird.
Jack of ALL trades, Master of none.. (but one... procrastination)
Army vet 02-08
RIP El Jay! Miss you brother!
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