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Old 03-02-2011, 04:48 AM   #5
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Re: Manual Steering box

Well my rebuilt box doesn't have much play in it. Maybe and 1/8th of a turn of the steering wheel. My concern is I have put a decent little SBC in it and will be adding NOS very soon. At the track I am likely to carry the front wheels a few feet when I launch on NOS and if there is to much play the chance of the wheels not setting down straight is there, or if it's a little squirrelly on the big end any play slows your ability to reel the truck back in. I don't want to kiss the side rail due to slow response of steering. This truck isn't going to be driven often as it is my 4th vehicle but I don't wanna tighten the box to the point it wears itself out either.
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