Thread: CA 71 GMC partout
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Old 03-03-2011, 10:20 AM   #18
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Re: 71 GMC partout

Looking for brake parts for 70-72 front disk truck. I need the little "T" fittings on the lines, and the "junction fittings" on the lines around the front crossmember area. Also looking for a proportioning valve for a front disk truck.

Basically I have a bare frame and I ordered a stainless steel brake line kit. All it came with were the lines and none of the little "female to female" fittings, or the "T" fittings that join the actual lines together.

Let me know what you got. You can just take a pair of side cutters and chop the lines on either side of the fittings and send them to me if that would be easier for you.

Thank you for your time.
1970 Datsun 240Z
1972 K5 Blazer Highlander
1972 Chevelle
1959 Apache 3100 SWB Fleetside
2006 VTX 1800f

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