Thread: Paint Ideas????
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Old 03-04-2011, 08:29 AM   #4
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Re: Paint Ideas????

Yeah, I like the red on the top.

I'd suggest Ford CX "Dark Shadow Gray" on the top because it looks the most "alive" in the sun and has a nice dark-to-light variation

Dodge PRH "Blaze Red Crystal" because it looks like a candy, but is a two-stage base coat that covers fairly quickly. Be warned, though- pearl reds are the most expensive of all the colors.

Any silver will do. Your painter guy could even scotch brite over the silver base coat before he clears it to make it look like brushed stainless.

Are you carrying the stripe and two-tone into the jambs, or are you going to keep one color in the jambs? Something to think about...
Looks good! I'm a bit biased to those colors...!
My 68 cougar restomod build:HERE
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