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Old 07-10-2003, 05:57 AM   #10
Desert Rat
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if it is a original bb truck and has PS alt brackets,ps pump and brackets,fan shroud,pulleys, is worth a minimum of $400(if they are correct) then the motor if it runs $400. then the rest.if you want to part it,but if you just want a driver maybe not a good choice? by the way a 396 in a truck is a hell of a improvement over a truck handles just as good as any stock small motor truck,just sits a couple inches lower from the weight.heck my big block gets the same mileage as the small block did to,now i can pass anyone going up hills,anyone on the freeway,i wouldnt want a truck with a sbc,with the exception of a 4x4 id thrash in the desert.
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