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Old 03-07-2011, 10:10 AM   #291
lks dcvn
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Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project

Just wanted to let you all know that I was alive...and doing well.

So last year I sold everything out of my yard that I wasn't going to get to anytime soon...which was the best decision I could have ever made. I kept my 69 Blazer that doesn't need much attention - get it, turn the key, and go. In fact, I drove that Blazer as much as I could last year...

I still have this 72 Blazer in my garage wondering where I have been for the past year. I don't think it cared.

I intend to finish this 72 Blazer at some point...just need to get my tail out there and start tinkering again.

I stood out in the garage over the weekend and just stared at it...reflecting on how many hours I put into it, how many new curse words I learned along the way, and how happy I thought I would be when it was done.

There is some bodywork to finish up, a windshield frame to replace, and I am sure a host of other odds and ends that have yet to surface.

I hope everybody has been doing well - thanks for the messages.

C'mon spring - I want to drive my trucks!
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