Thread: Rusty Bumper
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Old 03-07-2011, 02:50 PM   #8
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Re: Rusty Bumper

this is a little out there, but i bought a used warn classic winch bumper for my gmc and dissasembled it and used orange citrus pumice hand cleaner on the small rust spots. just rubbed it on by hand, did it a circular motion for a minute or so. rust came right up. washed it all off and sparayed it with clear acrylic. hasnt come back. just an idea. hope it works for ya if you decide to try it. the pumice is light enough it shouldnt scratch it, but tough enough to lift it if its not more than the surface.
Thats a good idea, so would it be wise to spray a new chrome bumper with clear acrylic then? It adheres okay to the chrome?

I have been tossin around the idea of powdercoating my bumpers with their "chrome" color. Heres a good comparison I found on the web: real chrome is out front.
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