Thread: Paint Ideas????
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Old 03-08-2011, 10:12 AM   #12
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Re: Paint Ideas????

Originally Posted by SeanPaintsFlames View Post
So which of those two colors are you using? Is it a modern factory color? Those both look like candies.
The top one is the one I chose but its still kinda up in the air. Hes gonna shoot some test panels and were going to go from there. They are both candies. As best we can tell the top one is brandywine over a Black base and the bottom one is brandywine over silver base. It will have micro metal flake in it as well so from a distance it should look like a solid color till you get close and see it in the sun.

Now you have to remember I can do body work to a point but i know nothing about painting stuff like this so all this is coming from the painter as best i can remember.
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