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Old 03-11-2011, 12:32 PM   #14
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Re: need help from the suspension experts

Your condition seems to be that your rear suspension is too stiff. The picture looks OK, and I don't see anything out of the ordinary. I think it's a combination of a stiff leaf and a stiff gas shock that when combined, are making for a super stiff ride. A quick check would be to pull the shocks off and go for a short ride. You'll notice a huge difference. Some gas shocks (like KYB...Kill Your Butt) have some serious pressures and will exhibit the exact same symptoms you are seeing, when combined with a leaf spring of decent rate.

If you load 1000lbs in the bed, it'll ride like a dream. But, looking at your ride, that bed isn't going to see that kind of action. Go with a low pressure gas shock, and pull a leaf or two out. Problem solved.
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