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Old 03-11-2011, 07:31 PM   #1
RuralRoute C-30
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Dash Emblem Question

Can someone define the trim classifications that make for differences in a "Custom Deluxe", "Scottsdale" and "Silverado"?

Basically this interior is due for updating. I've ordered the dash and brushed aluminum trim for it and same for the doors. Not really wanting to recycle the old Scottsdale dash emblem. Seems I can not find a new Scottsdale dash emblem for an 85 with LMC so I'm leaning to the look of the Custom Deluxe logo they have for this year.

I know, it ain't gonna make it run any faster but after this long winter I'm ready to get back to working on truck improvements. Just wondering the differences in the original definitions of these classifications.

Also, anyone paint the lower metal part of the dash black while leaving the rest of the interior a separate color? Not sure how it would look, but after over a year now I am still getting used to that tan.

No matter, this interior is as due for some improvements as my engine bay which is where I stopped last December.

1985 Chevy C-30 Hydraulic Dump Bed
2001 Saturn SC2 (go to work car)
2010 PT Cruiser (wife's car)

"Reality is just a hallucination brought on by lack of alcohol."

Last edited by RuralRoute C-30; 03-11-2011 at 07:34 PM.
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