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Old 03-12-2011, 03:57 AM   #11
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Re: 5 speed swap into 63 truck

An important note here is most of the talk on this board about using a T5 is talking about using a T5 from a GM car or S10 pickup.

You have a Ford Mustang T5. You are correct to ask about bellhousing, because that is where your problem will be. The common GM bellhousings wont mate to the Ford pattern. GM did use the Ford pattern on the '93 and up applications (mentioned above in lakeroadsters excellent post), but they tilt the tranny at a 17 degree angle.

I have heard that some Jeep bellhousings will mate the Chevy engines to the Ford pattern T5, but I do not know if that is true.

Do a lot of research. You may have to use a pricey specialty steel bellhousing or maybe trade your Ford T5 for a GM version.

I had a T5 with the Ford pattern, but for these same reasons and gave up on that and got a tko-500
292 + TKO500

Last edited by Heater63; 03-12-2011 at 04:01 AM.
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