Thread: gauge wiring
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Old 03-12-2011, 04:12 AM   #5
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Re: gauge wiring

I dont have a tan wire for the oil sender just the blue, The diagram I have show two differnet dark blues, one for choke heater (i think) and one for oil pressure sender. Also when I ground the blue wire the oil pressure gauge pegs out. The oil pressure is now working , dosmy show very high pressure (about midway below 30 and when I rev it up, it goes almost to 30.

The temp (green ) it pegs when I hook it up to the temp sender. ( might be bad sender but is new )

Fuel gauge works.

Volt gauge still does not. I have power to one leg behind the gauge but still just does not move

Its very possible this cluster was changed because there has not been anything right on this truck yet.

Sorry about the Juction block, was just worried, seems like it should be fused
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