Originally Posted by bigd65
Ok I went and checked it out. The oil gauge wire ( Drk Blue) is hooked to the oil sender but wondering if this is correct. When I unplug the wire from the sender,the gauge pegs out. When I hooked it back up, it goes back to the normal reading. If thats correct in what it suppose to do, then I am getting closer. Green I know is for Temp, It pegs when I hook it up Probably bad sender
The Gauges should zero with the sender unplugged (Except the fuel gauge). You have the (BLACK & PINK) gauge voltage feeds reversed. This may be the issue with your TEMP gauge.
Originally Posted by bigd65
I don't understand something. I have four wires coming out of the firewall for gauges: Tan, Blue, Green, Brown.
Only 3 wires come from the firewall for the gauge senders... TAN #30, DARK BLUE #31, & DARK GREEN #35. It sounds like you have all three of them in the right positions in the panel plug.
Originally Posted by bigd65
I see on the diagram where it says tan used for gauges only on the oil sender but I see a Drk Blue for oil pressure switch also
That's where my initial confusion came from. Your wiring colors match the "Instrument Cluster W/O Gauges" but you have a gauge panel.
Originally Posted by bigd65
Tan I have hooked to the Fuel Gauge and it seems to work, it was hooked up there before and when I put gas in, It went up Besides there was one of the diagrams that showed the tan going to the fuel sender
Yup. This wire is in the right position in the plug because Circuit 30 is in the same position on both harnesses.
Originally Posted by bigd65
I'm trying to follow what you had said about the pins, are you talking about the ones that go to the cluster
Yes. The Pins I'm talking about are the ones that go to the cluster.
Your instrument panel plug should look like this.
Row A.............Row B
BLACK.............DARK GREEN [temp]
DARK BLUE.......TAN [fuel gauge with tach cluster]
----------........DARK BLUE [oil pressure]
DARK BLUE........[volt gauge ignition power] BROWN CKT#50??
PINK................[volt gauge ground]
TAN*[fuel]........LIGHT GREEN*
Originally Posted by bigd65
Brown goes to the Alternater but I still cant get the Volt gauge to work
You have found the BROWN Alternator wire Circuit #25. Circuit #25 is not for any gauge and should not be wired to a gauge cluster.
Let's try to help you get your volt gauge working.
There should be three BLACK grounds. The "Instrument Cluster W/O Gauges" harness only has two so you need to add one for the volt gauge.
There should be three PINK ignition power wires. Again the "Instrument Cluster W/O Gauges" harness only has two so you need to find or add one for the volt gauge.
One BROWN wire is from the alternator. This wire/pin is Circuit #25.
Stub the BROWN #25 wire off @ 3in from the plug leaving enough of both pieces to connect them to additional wire.
Connect a 3ft chunk of black 18ga wire to the plug stub. Route this wire to a chassis ground.
Connect a 3ft chunk of (not black) 18ga wire to the harness stub. Route this wire through a 470 ohm 1/2 watt resistor to an ignition power source.
The other BROWN wire in your plug goes to the heater fan plug and fuse panel. This wire/pin is Circuit #50 it should give ignition power to your volt gauge.