Thread: Axel swap
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Old 03-14-2011, 12:44 PM   #2
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Re: Axel swap

Anything can be done, it just depends on how much work you want to do.

If your C10 is coil sprung, you will need to weld on spring, tracking arm, shock brackets,etc.

If it is leaf sprung, you need to check the width of the pearches to see if you will need to weld on new ones, shocks may not mount in the same place, etc.

Also, it the yoke set for the same u-joint as your original? May not match your driveline.

You will need to check the overall width of the axle also.
68 Chev C20- son has it now
83 K20 - bought from son
70 C20 - in progress
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