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Old 03-15-2011, 02:47 AM   #587
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Re: The Project Havoc....

how far does youre work is removed from the stateline , and do they have the same rules there

the rules you describing sound a lot like wat we have here in the netherlands
i picked up the idea to make a twin of the truck but as stock as needed to comply to the rules and drive the modified one , its extencive but might be cheaper than wat you need to pay for modifying youre own truck to comply with the rules it doesnt need to be perfect just comply to the rules and have the same vin number (dont tell anyone its a secret)
i got a job again and having fun at it too

idea's for the trucks and the order of things to do are taking shape and get closer to being realized , a few more months and i be able to start building for real

i complete 2 of the trucks intoo running fashion one custom and one basicly stock the thirth will be sacrificed for parts

Last edited by watahyahknow; 03-15-2011 at 02:49 AM.
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