Thread: Optima battery
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Old 03-16-2011, 03:06 PM   #5
Redefining LowBudget
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Re: Optima battery

I chinged up for an Optima one year later it was dead wouldn't take a charge had a fight to get it wanenteed......any way now I run walmart batteries nevr had a problem even with the old 36 amp alt runnig an HEI and all my amps and compressor...and it starts my 500 caddy all the time even after it sat all winter...if it ever does crap out theres always a Wally world down the street put your slip in a zip lock bag and tape it to the back of the battery
1970 C10 CST fleetside 472 ....big dreams little cash...
SunShine Syndicate..

Mikes Sandwich Fair Run OCT 8th 2011
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