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Old 03-17-2011, 07:49 PM   #16
Dan Bowles
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Re: Opinion on leaving out the parking brake?

Originally Posted by MrDude_1 View Post
Yea, I am without a doubt upgrading mine to a modern master cyl. it just makes good sense.
Good call. Now put an Ebrake on it.

The lash in the parking pall will let a car move up to about 3" fore/aft when it's new, more as it wears. An emergency brake will hold it a lot tighter than that.

I work for a supplier of jacks to the OEMs. I've tested dozens of cars, trucks, and SUVs around the world. Now that you've built your entire truck is something as simple as changing a flat tire along side the road worth getting killed over?

You don't have to use the stomp type. You can use the rod/handle type from a 53/54 Bel Air. You can use the under dash squeeze and pull type from another manufacturer. You can even put one of the pull up handle types from a late model hidden under your seat. They are all cable related now so do what you want. Just don't go without. It isn't worth the risk. WideSide72 summed it up best.
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