I bought her off a lot for $6000, had to sell my new truck to get the down payment to take her home. I was fresh out of highschool so at the time it sounded like a good idea but as i look back on it, IT WASNT. Shes made it throught alot, Me being gone for 4 years( thank you USMC) and even a divorce. Im really surprised that i still have her today. Last year i finally have her fully paid off and now she is all mine. I got remarried and really lucked out, my wife loves the truck as much as i do, and her family has helped alot as well. Currently she is being restored by my wifes great uncle who fell in love with her as soon as my mother in law pulled into his driveway. Her uncle has done his brother cuda, 50 c-10 and his own 70 c-10... no the less she is in good hands. Only coming home once a year i dont get to really do much to her. ive dressed up her engine, put a new seat cover on, layed down some carpet, did the seals on the doors and took off the old steel rear bumper and put on chrome one. Shes been restored once, but it was kind of a cheap job. Everyone says she looks amazing but we all know that when its our truck we see them differntly. we see all the flaws.
Heres a lil list of everything that my wifes uncle has done.
Removed rusted out inner and outter rocker pannels on the passager side, put in new starter( that went out on him) took out old saddle bag gas tanks on driver and passanger side,filled the holes in from that, fixed the BEAT UP tail gate that she came with, sanded down some of the rust bubbles in the paint to make sure they werent to deep and realined the passanger door. I wish i was there to do it myself i dont think it would ever get done with how much im gone. Theres alot to do and hopefully ill have her back soon.
Ill post pics of her when i get back and may add a lil more details. I have pics that the owner before me left in the glove box ( AWSOME) of what she looked like before.
Right now im saving up to get her bed sandblasted.... hopefully next month it will me in the shop getting done.