Originally Posted by tucsonjwt
If you need show quality restoration, then new aftermarket parts are the way to go, and Classic parts are as good as LMC and cheaper. There are other aftermarket dealers on the net. If you need a driver quality restoration, then used parts are a possibility - your can paint the door panels/parts if you can't find your desired color. The painting process is not hard to do and the paints sold for this purpose like SEM brand or Duplicolor hold up well. On close inspection you can notice any defects in a repainted door panel, but that is why I call it driver quality, not show quality.
Hey thanks alot yea i need work on my door panels there are defects where someone colored it but didnt sand it down i think and theres bumps i hate that.There black panels im looking to by the accessories and just paint the panels my self there still in great shape.