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Old 03-20-2011, 08:52 AM   #9
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Re: have an oil leak...valve cover

well i changed the gaskets yesterday. i thought i told the lady at part store i wanted rubber ones.. she gave me cork ones..
before changing them. id didnt have the smoke like you guys had.
just remember the idiot who did my exhaust tell me i had a bad leak there.
so i was able to get the valve cover off. the one on the left. had to work it a bit to get out but i got it.
mighta bent it a bit going back in. not sure tho.

after install, i started truck and had a good bit of smoking from driver side.
and a bit later the passenger side started smoking some.

took it for a ride to get some much needed gas. and i didnt see any more smoke.

ill got out in a bit and see how it looks.

took a couple pics.

what do the numbers mean?? just basic stock stuff im sure.

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