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Old 03-21-2011, 09:38 PM   #5
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Clinton IN
Posts: 32
Re: Pics of m first c10 70 swb stepper

your telling me I looked for ever for a short bed truck I wanted that wasnt way over priced. And about a year ago I bought a honda civic off the same guy I got the truck. I seen it posted in the same town as the civic and it sounded just like the truck he was build the motor for when I was there. I was like surly not there is no way he only wants 8 for that truck. So I called the number to see if it was the same guy and yelp wanted it out of the drive way to many projects. I was like I will take be there in an hour. he said he had another guy coming to look at. So I threw the wife and kids in the truck and drove like 90 to get there be for the other guy did. And I beat him so its mine.The plans are to fix a couple of spots someone tryed to fix and paint it flat black with a cowl hood, 72 grill,roll pan on back with chevy light in the pan, and a 700r swap. I have already got a posi 411 rearend , 3200 stall,msd ing, back window,and a tilt colum just need to install. It needs the 3200 stall bad cam is way to big for not haven a stall. And also going to put a set of grey torke thrust 20on back18 in front.
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