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Old 03-23-2011, 01:17 AM   #3
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Re: Chevy 235 governor removal

Originally Posted by Wrenchbender Ret View Post
I used to take the butterfly out of them. Then you still have the spacing & throttle linkage.
It sounds like you worked on more than one truck with a governor so a couple of questions... I assume that you had to remove the carburetor and the governor in order to remove the butterfly from the governor, correct? At that point, with the carburetor and governor off the engine, you still felt that it was easier to remove the butterfly than to throw the governor away and deal with the spacer and the linkage, correct? If you had decided to permanently remove the governor what are the issues involved? You have mentioned linkage and spacers... how big a problem are they? If you permanently remove the governor you must have to do something different with the vacuum line, correct? Are there any other problems associated with permanently removing the governor?
When you remove the butterfly do you have to do anything different with the vacuum line? Are the screws holding the butterfly in place on the shaft "upset" on the end so they don't vibrate loose?
These questions may show my appalling lack of knowledge on this subject which I readily admit. I have only owned the truck for a couple of months and have been busy sorting out a list of problems. I haven't had the carburetor or governor off the engine yet and on a step van it is difficult to even see them clearly with the location of the up draft carburetor. Once I have the carburetor and governor off the truck some of the answers to the questions I have asked may be obvious. However, I would rather ask questions first and get a sense of the potential problems before I start a new project that I don't know much about. Thanks for your help.
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