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Old 03-23-2011, 07:32 PM   #43
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Re: Advise on buying this 67 C10!

Originally Posted by BlackZ28 View Post
"it was not cut out I drilled the rivets out so I could Blast and clean the
metal behind it then I poprevet it to a piece of scrap metal so I could polish
it and not bend it they sale the new rivets to put it back"

I guess this makes since.....
In most states in the Northeast and in california a newly riveted VIN tag is a red flag to the inspector. Those rivets are a special rivet not an ordinary pop rivet. When they do not look right in CA they check the VIN on the frame and it had better match. If it does not a NATIONWIDE stolen search enquiry is started (and oh yeah, they impound the vehicle on the spot). If it comes back stolen you forfeit the vehicle and are charged with a very long list of 3rd class felonies. Don't walk away from that truck. Run as fast as you can.
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