Re: What would you plunk your bucks down for, Holley or Weber?
The stumbling is from a week accellerator pump and in combination with that model of carb being very lean. The top flap on the secondary is spring loaded to stay shut and vacuum is there to keep it shut. Full throttle you will loose vacuum allowing the flap to come open with the draw of air from the intake. You won't notice this unless your being very hard on the accellerator (Far more than your going to do in the driveway). If I were to take may carb off again I'd drill the idle jet oversize to richen it up some (Don't over do it).
If your ever going to be in a smog check area like here in Cali you find the tricks and that does not include the replacement of just any old carburator. A $25 kit and massaged just right your carb will work just fine.