Again, welcome to our home. (I call it home anyways)
I also agree about the damage. Seeing that it is a new piece and it is already dead, something else has to be doing it. Those things can last 30 years. (with some luck...but not unheard of)
Before you take the shaft to a shop, check all 3 U-joints for stiffness,a dn then look ar the rear axle to see if it is crooked or had just been installed. (new hardwear or obviously re-used stuff) If the pinion angle is wrong, it can do this, even though it would be more likely to blow a U-joint first.
Save future agervation and replace all 3 joints while it is out.
As for LMC, many of us on here have had very bad luck with them. You do have the advantage of looking at the part and compairing it with the original so you have way more control over it than us, but be aware of there many inferior parts.