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Old 03-24-2011, 08:28 PM   #1010
Lucky Teter at the wheel
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Re: ** YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN ** The truck Chevrolet should have built.

Originally Posted by mcbassin View Post
Hey, I totally understand. I have used Nason single stage for cheap pJs for years. I usually go with the uerethane enamel, it's bullet proof for the most part. It sands and buffs nice too when you get the signature marks. The acrylic works good too, but I usually don't do panels like you are doing. So I have issues of dry spots or overspray with it. You have the right idea. Nice work!

1007 posts, and you are just getting started.
Painting a little at a time is so low stress and helps me feel good about checking things off the list. If I have a setup problem, I only have to fix a few panels. When I get a run, it is limited because I am only painting a little. I don't wig out over 1 run. Painting an entire car and I get 7 runs, then I am frustrated and swear I'll never paint again (ask me how I know). Plus this thing is a Monster, I couldn't paint it all at once if I wanted to - They don't make poly booths that big!

YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN (Finished with MAJOR Surgery - IT'S ALIVE!!!)

The Bride is currently under the knife!

Last edited by drewskiren; 03-24-2011 at 08:31 PM.
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