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Old 07-14-2003, 08:51 PM   #1
Where's my beer?
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Join Date: Aug 2002
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Thumbs up Met a great board member in KS.

I got to meet Teeitup this last week, he was storing my blazer and some parts that I bought from him a while back, great guy to deal with, I also got to meet his beutiful wife, it was a real pleasure to meet them.

I also got to see his nice 4x4 stepside, but he wouldn't trade it even up with my blazer, mhhh wonder why , just messing with you Randy

He picked up my blazer from Olathe, KS. and stored it at his place for well over 2 months, when I finally went to get it I asked how much I owed him and he said, nothing!, I was really surprised that he didn't want anything in return, man! what a guy!!

I hope and I know that I will deal with him more, excellent board member.

Thanks again Randy!! You D' man!!

How do you make the invisible, visible?.........You take it away.
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