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Old 03-26-2011, 11:31 PM   #44
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Re: 383 Stroker Vs. 454 Big Block

There's ALWAYS someone faster on the street. Count on it.
Lighter cars don't need 900hp, plus with a good suspension setup, they'll hook while you're spinning. You're not going to get anywhere close with a small block, probably not even with a big block.
How fast of a car have you ever driven? To be perfectly honest, most guys mess their pants at around the 11 second mark, that'll push your eyeballs back in your skull and make you pinch a hole in your seat! And with a 4000lbs truck, that'll take about 600rwhp...again, you ain't gonna get there with any kind of streetable engine, that's 750 at the crank which is a horsey 496 that'll take race fuel and won't want to idle below about 1200rpm.
And there are plenty of 11-second cars on the street, they're all a lot lighter than your truck which makes it a whole lot cheaper and easier than it will be for you.
Get into the 12's first. Baby steps, man, baby steps.

Last edited by BigBlocksRule; 03-26-2011 at 11:33 PM.
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