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Old 03-28-2011, 04:43 PM   #1
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Posts: 175
Lower Ball Joint Install?!

Hello, hope Im not beating a dead horse. Looked through some threads, couldnt find nothing. Trying to install new lower ball joint. Got the tops in as they just bolt in nowadays. Having trouble "squeezing" in the new lowers. I have put a jack on the bottom of them and started whacking away at the top of the arm. No luck. I have a lil less than a 1?2 inch to go and do not want to damage these lil boogers. I tried tapping from the bottom of the joints too but I think its a bad idea cuz I could damage the joint. Any advice for the tree shade mechanic who has his 64 front end apart in the garage? (I didnt take the bottom arms off, so this has to be done in my garage) Please dont tell me I have to get them pressed in at a shop! Gulp!
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