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Old 03-29-2011, 09:35 AM   #16
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Re: What a difference new wheels and tires make

Originally Posted by Surfdaddy View Post
Trying to get all the shinny stuff shinny again. The moulding is polishing out pretty good but the bumper and grill need some work. I found some better door handles I'll get a new rear bumper this weekend since the one on there now is a big step bumper that sticks out 2 feet and weighs at least 100 lbs.
Hey Surfdaddy, what is the diameter of the hub caps you used, what year are they , and how many clips does it take to keep them on. I am thinking of using something simalar, (1955-1959 gmc caps on 15" rallyes with rectangular slot) budget minded but the hub cap must be very small diameter. I think 7" would be max......any help would be appreciated. Your truck looks nice. Kieth
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