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Old 03-29-2011, 06:29 PM   #1
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Posts: 30
Kick panel speaker questions???

I have an 87 SWB and it came with no stock radio nor factory speakers in it. Found that to be odd being that is has a/c and no radio. Anyway I am adding a stereo system into the truck by removing the block out plate on the dash where the radio would normally install and I wanted to add some 6 1/2 componet kick panel speakers. I have found the kick panels for this truck through Q-logic and my question is if any body has this type of set up and if they are happy with the way the speakers sound inside the cab? I am also building a center console box to house a 12 inch jl sub that may also house two more 6 1/2 speakers as well. I wanted to know if anybody had any ideas for this type of single cab set up other than making 6 1/2 into the center console box due to the limited space behind the bucket seat? thank you guys as always for any help.
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