Thread: MOOG Problems?
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Old 03-29-2011, 07:49 PM   #13
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Re: MOOG Problems?

You can blame it on Wal-Mart and the Internet. Used to be Americans were about quality. Now most are just concerned with what does it cost. There is a bright side though. There are a few companies that are bringing manufacturing back to the states. Supporting companies like these will make a difference.

David McNeil says it very well in recent ads.

Farouk (CHI) vowed to move manufacturing to Houston a couple of years ago. I'm not completely sure but I believe they are manufacturing in Houston at this point. Most guys won't know who they are but your wife/GF will. I know because my wife is a hair dresser.

Oh And I did use Moog parts from ECE on my suspension rebuild last year. I had an issue with one tie rod end. Other than that all was good.

Last edited by OhOneWS6; 03-29-2011 at 07:54 PM.
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