Originally Posted by 71gmcburb
actually the car was meadowlark yellow not white and the old man Ron? decided to paint it back to the stock color to treat the car properly and as far as them "finding the emblems in the dirt" you must never go to any older junk yards whare the customer goes out and pulls their own parts. I don't know how many times I've gone to a older yard and found the small part I wanted in the dirt next to or in the back of the car or in a car on the other side of the yard
Yellow, white, beige, off white, whatever.
I'm glad all went well with it, and i retracted my statement, lots of DVAP lovers here, and that is very cool.
I have been junk yarding for 20+ years. I have never run across acouple 396 emblems just tossed in the dirt. Seen them in the car, in the glove box, console, on the fenders, grill, etc etc. Anyway, i'm just rambling now. Lets all have a