Not really bud... it's pretty much at a stand still waiting on the body. But my birthday is just around the corner and my dad told me he knew where some parts were I might be interested in. So after suffering through an hour or two of looking at patio furniture we headed over to an old friend of my dad's place where these parts were. Turned out to be a complete (mostly still in the box) Vintage Air system!!

He had tons of little parts and pieces we looked through and we picked up a few of them like the air controls out of a 63 and another set of controls that might work instead (no idea what they are from) Then we went to look at a 62 he had in his driveway and noticed it had a brand new Guage insert with the exact guages I have wanted, so he popped it out for us. All said and done we ended up with all the stuff for about a third of what just the a/c system cost!!!! Needless to say, I'm super excited!
(Camera batteries died, more pics soon)