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Old 03-31-2011, 01:02 PM   #1
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My '84 'old yella' build

Didn't want to highjack anyones thread so I started this one.

I'm an old school guy and have done several early swaps from the '50's and 60's. Pretty easy stuff, this is my first attempt at doing late model FI stuff, wrench turning is the easy part, but I am scratching my head alot on some of the electrial and fuel system. Hope you guys can help me out?

My '84 had an 305/700r4 that wouldn't pass a gas station. I wanted to do a swap/upgrade and after several days spent here reading threads I settled on a 5.3/4l60e.

Glock and Fred was an insperation behond words and what I'm doing is modeled after Fred.

I aquired a '04 5.3/4l60e from a Tahoe complete with everything with around 90k miles.

'old yella' is in pieces now and following in Freds footsteps I have changed the tanks(2), new sending units, intank pumps, selector valve and when I started to plum everything is when I realized I had a problem. Fred was a returnless system from the engine. Mine is not so the corvette filter/regulator won't work, I am also keeping the emisions in tact, so I have the vent from the tanks that will go to the EVAC valve on the intake.

Question is, since mine is a return system from the manifold do I need a regulator or is that part of the manifold.

Second question, I have the fuel lines from the Tahoe that come off the manifold and across the top of the trans. I would like to use these if I can but don't have a clue as to type of fittings to convert or can I just cut the lines and slip the rubber FI hose on them?

Third question, did anyone ever see the template that Glock was doing for the passenger side engine stand, as I want to do the samething and keep the a/c compressor in the OEM location?

I guess that's all for now. As this will keep me busy for awhile.
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