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Old 04-01-2011, 02:59 AM   #1
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Is it just me or......?

Now I'm not here to complain about any design or gloat about how I love my 72 GMC. However I must admit that the 85-88 for some reason has been calling me. In terms of body style, I used to think that the 73-87 was just plain ugly. Could it be the influence of the newer trucks since they have gone more square themselves? Or is it simply the aura of the 88-99 is finally starting to feel as the 73-87 once did on me. But I feel as if lots of other people are now out for the old squares. Yes I'm saying the 88-99 is starting to be ugly for me. I know I'm not the only one having this love affair change. I'll definitely take a interior from a 87 over a 88 any day of the week with everything that breaks on the interior of the 88.
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