Originally Posted by leddzepp
Hey Jeff- That is great info there too! Thanks for posting. I missed out on the blue shoulder belts that you had for sale on here a while back. You did a great job on them, and I wished I had been able to buy them.  With all this info, we can pretty much make our own shoulder belts now.
Thanks for the great information. That is important information also on the lap belts. In fact, I had pulled a set of lap belts from a 71 CST that were in very nice shape. Later on, I found some NOS lap belts from different GM models. Some were one inches different from the male end of the truck lap belt, and others were more like 4 to 5 inches different. I woulnd up using the NOS male ends on my truck belts...I just needed to wind one belt a couple more times arount the little spindle than the other.
I did notice, too that the truck lap belts are the exact same length as the shoulder belts...both the male and female end. Those are what anyone could easily pull off and use. (I'll post a pic later)
If someone is building a set and adding new webbing, I found that in certain vans with utility buckets, the female mounting ends are nearly flat like the truck male shoulder belt mounting ends. Only a little squeeze with a vice will make them perfect matches.
Also, in terms of the little nub on the inside of the boots, I think I might have a solution for the repop boots. As I was walking around in Target yesterday, I noticed that they sell a little rubber/plastic nub that has double stick tape on the back. This might work as it's very small and should fit well inside. I will buy a set and post a picture later.
I will be putting together a set just to see what's possible.