Thread: Waterpump?
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Old 04-03-2011, 11:09 PM   #30
swamp rat
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Re: Waterpump?

All i see is a short water pump, no spacers between the pump and block, just the casting of the water pump, like was mentioned earlier you can take the old one off and take it with you, its good advice.

The only time any spacers between the pump and block might be needed is if the water pump actually compresses the timing cover so badly it would hit the timing chain/gears. Its very common that the covers touch, even have a little squish, or have very little space between them, the reason for a shim would be if the water pump was rebuilt they may surface grind the flange which would move the pump body closer to the engine block.

There is also fan/pully shims you can buy to align the pullys if nessasary.

The ground strap is mounted to a stud in your case, a stud in the block followed by a nut to secure the pump to the block, then another nut to secure the ground strap, you would be better off moving the ground strap to a hole on the head if one is avalable on the front surface. also plan on the stud comming out when you loosen the nut, it tends to happen a lot.

As mentioned remove the pump and take it with you, and take the bolts with to match them, there ether 3/8-18NC or 7/16-14NC, length i don't recall but would guess the
3/8's, there are both long and short lengths. Also, 2 of the bolts protrude into the water jacket so your going to have to seal the threads, some folks use black RTV, some use Perma-gasket or perma-tex.

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