Re: Any one have a cab media blasted
soda blasting does leave a residue on the surface of the metal, it really needs to have a quality cleaning prior to any paint. The plastic beads do a great job of taking off paint, but don't do anything for rust. You would still have to sand the entire surface down to get any surface rust off, or prep it for paint. The glass beads take care of the rust and the paint, however an inexperienced person can warp your panels REALLY bad. If the guy knows what he's doing the glass is fine. But if the vehicle has no real rust issues.... I'd get it blasted with the plastic beads. They don't warp as much. And what does he mean by bake it? That's a new one to me. My local guy is a body man as well, and he really takes his time with the glass beads. Panels come back super clean and without any added warping. It's all about technique with blasting.