Thread: Freddy's '52
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Old 04-04-2011, 08:14 PM   #166
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Re: Freddy's '52

Just to chime in, and hopefully give you a little heads up of what I went through in my search!

The original vacuum powered wipers work on a self-reversing setup, where the motor pivots (about 120-140 degrees), stops, then reverses its direction. The only motor I found that would repeat that was the ones from an early 90's S10 Blazer (not to say there isn't more out there), but it's what I found.

If you're looking for a motor, this is something to watch closely. Most modern wipers work parallel to each other and the AD trucks are opposed (they both go from center, up and outwards). This is due to the wiper motor working in a single directional rotation. You will need to find a motor with a secondary gearbox in it to get the reversing rotation and then work out the wiper arm setup.

Please, if you do find a motor like this, that is two speed, LET ME KNOW! As I would love a dual speed as well! (I may be able to find a way to make it worth your while if I can make it work, as I already have a two speed delay wiper setup figured out)

Best of luck!
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