Originally Posted by 67Slider
Got her insured and licensed. Took the wife out
Now to get her up on stands and find out what the problem is. Sounds like the tranny gave out but not sure. Good thing it was a nice day!
Bummer. But that's the perfect attitude. Next time I break something, I'll try to remember the lesson. Thanks.
For the first time in a month or so, I went to the shop to work on the money-pit. Got in and did some wiring under the dash and under where the hood will go (some day) . Routed the temp sending unit, HI dizzy red wire, starter purple, rear light connection thru the firewall, etc.
When I went for lunch, I stepped out of the shop on to the grassy approach and took a header (actually, I slipped backward) in the wet "driveway" outside the shop. Bent my leg backward under me and laid there for a while. My son-in-law (its his house and shop) was freaked to see the fat old guy down...especially since I didn't get up right away. Laying in that slop...and the mud was the "nicest" part of the slop. He was really scared, so I got up. Changed to a crappy t-shirt I have there for polishing, limped into the car, and went for lunch. Nothing broken. Nasty muddy-dirty-wet, so a drive thru was in order.
Makes me think how spoiled I am. No earthquakes, tsunamis, cancer, or other bad crap.
Came back and checked the mail.
Upside: A good second shower of the day; It's 74.9 Degrees F. outside; The DMV sent me a notice that the new plates are ready.