Re: question about gauges themselves
Originally Posted by bigd65
Ok after all that I put yall through ( Sorry ) I found that the gauges were bad, The TEMP was maxing out, it was the gauge. The VOLT was not registering, it was the gauge.
Here is my question. Is there a difference between the gauge years. The volt gauge is reading fine, it reads 12 volts easy enough. The TEMP gauge will climb ALMOST to the HOT side and as it idles will drop alittle. I know its not hot because you can feel the engine and the mechanical that was on it didnt read high. I took the gauge out of this 76 tach gauge cluster, would the sender be different between the years. If so I am going to find another gauge, I really dont wanna tear this 76 tach cluster apart.
Also my oil pressure is reading low. Again it didnt on the mechanical gauge and by the way the oil gauge is the electric gauge that was in my cluster. The one in the 76 is mechanical so that would not have worked. Is there a different oil pressure sender I need or could use to get a more accurate reading
Sound like either the ground or your sending units are bad. Replace one of them, I would check the ground 1st. If your oil is electric, replace the sending unit they are cheap enough.
I have a 77 cluster in my 84, I wapped the temp gauge from my 84 as it had the temp in degress where the 77 had Cold and Hot.
2017 Silverado LTZ 6.2
1984 Scottsdale K10 - 468 700r 4x4 lwb
1978 GMC Sierra Grande K15 350 Soond to be 406 th350 4x4 swb
1968 GMC 20 305 V6 good ole wood hauler.

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