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Old 04-08-2011, 02:02 PM   #73
'57 Rosa
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Location: Fitzgerald,GA
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Re: My '57 Truck Build "Rosa"

I wanted to let you guys know about SrA Miachael Buras, USAF. He was killed in Afganistan in September by an IED. This was his 2nd tour and he had already received a Purple Heart during his first. He was an EOD Tech. Michael grew up in my home town. He left behind a wife and a small daughter, Maggie. If I have ever seen apicture that says, "FREEDOM ISN"T FREE" it is this one. Of Maggie. Please pray for his family and this country, we are loosing so many young soldiers every day. Thanks for letting me share!
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My '57 Truck Build "Rosa" (Current Project)
2003 Dodge Dakota 4X4 (Daily Driver)

Only two defining forces have ever died for us: CHRIST died for our salvation and VETERANS died for our freedoms. Glorify CHRIST and thank VETERANs
Dru~ USN Retired
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