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Old 04-10-2011, 08:20 AM   #7
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Re: question about gauges themselves

Yes, both of the senders I did. I cleaned off of the Temp Sender yesterday and no change the gauge still climbs to HOT. I know its not HOT,, I can put my hands on the valve covers and radiator and such. They are warm but nowhere near at OVERHEATING range ( about normal ). The gauge is the one from the TACH cluster from the 76. Im think eather the GAUGE/SENDERS dont match or the gauge is just old.

I am going to pull the oil sender and clean the tape off of those threads and see what happens with the oil gauge reading ( its still the original gauge ). I know its getting oil pressure because when I drove it the other day it was spraying oil from the rear passenger side head area. I think I have that corrected, i dont think the valve cover was tight enough. I pulled the cover, readjusted the rockers while I was there, clean the new rubber gasket, and put it back together. I guess whoever done the work thought the covers tightened the same way as the old style covers ( they wernt very tight ). These are the center bolt valve covers.

ANYWAY, at least they are working now, just gotta get them to read correctly, then I can start working on the interior and get this thing looking good.
2004 Silverado Crewcab
1972 Chevy Monte Carlo
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