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Old 04-10-2011, 11:20 PM   #6
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Posts: 44
Re: Turbo 400 bolt in yoke ?

Thanks guys. I spent the best part of the day looking around pick and pull for a slip yoke and no luck. Didn't even think abou the caddys ( ). Just wanted to see if it would go in far enough . But from what i've read i'd be wasting time and money both of witch i don't seem to have enough of anymore. I do still have the driveshaft out of the donor truck 79 3/4 ton gmc i bought for the motor and trans. Looks like i'm going to have a 1/2 ton short wheel base truck with a two piece drive shaft. I'll have to figure out someway to support the carrier bearing. Now that i think about it i saw a 72 long bed at the yard today that had the carrier support still in it . I hope its still there next weekend when i'll have time to go get it .
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